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A Wild Blog Appeared


What's this?


Ah yes, another blog. Let me explain.

All the way back in 2017 Paul Henschel created the Poimandres organization on Github to host some nascent experiments, React Three Fiber and React Spring. Fast forward to 2024 and there are over 60 maintained repositories with almost as many maintainers in what is now a wildly successful dev collective. As a collective, Poimandres is more than a set of libraries, it is the people who make them and the people who use them. It is all of their creativity and joy. The libraries are just how we get there.

And with so many voices we need a way to let people be heard or else it all gets lost in the incessant chatter of git commits and Twitter threads.

Enter the blog

Are you interested in our future plans for the ecosystem? Maybe learning some more about what people are making and how they make it? Keeping up with announcements? Even an opinion or two about web technology? Stay tuned.

This is a place where members of the collective and its friends can share their news and thoughts in their own words. If you want to write a blog post, open a PR on the Github or find a blue name on Discord.

Pmndrs wants you

You may have noticed we have a new website. You may have also noticed it is missing some quality of life features like proper mobile optimization. If you are a web developer and you want to get involved with the collective, come lend us your sword. We have some fun ideas for what to do with this platform and need your help to get there.

Again all the source code can be found on Github and we can discuss all things website on the Discord.

See you around.